We Offer a Wide Range
of Translation Services
ProLingua is a translation company that has been providing high quality, professional translation services for over 15 years. Check out our client list and read some client testimonials. Many customers feel that ProLingua is the best translation company for their requirements.
ProLingua stands for Global Translation Services. We have earned our name by being an international translation agency with global reach. With translators in over 100 countries and support of over 60 languages, we have the language expertise you need in every part of the world.
- Translation of business
- Translation of Personal data
- Translations of marketing content
- Translations of legal documents
Translations of academic materials
Servizio Cittadinanza
Data la sua lunga esperienza Italtraduzioni offre ai cittadini stranieri in Italia tutti i servizi relativi al loro migliore e facile inserimento in Italia
Dalla traduzione dei documenti all’accompagnamento davanti le istituzioni e la richiesta della cittadinanza italiana.
I nostri servizi di interpretariato si avvalgono esclusivamente di professionisti con anni di esperienza alle spalle e soprattutto madrelingua.
Questi servizi sono completi e, se richiesti mettiamo a disposizione tutta l’attrezzatura necessaria
Il tipo di servizio dipende dalle esigenze del cliente.
- Medical interpreting
- Legal interpreting
- Touristic interpreting
Business Interpreting
Events and conference interpretings
“We invest in personnel, technological innovations and infrastructure and have established regional and international offices to continue to meet the growing demand of language services worldwide.”
CEO & Founder
How it Works
At Italtraduzioni, meeting deadlines is very important. When a client entrusts us with a job, we immediately agree on a deadline that must be respected. Subsequently, if unforeseen events occur that may affect the agreed deadlines, we inform the client promptly and together we make an agreed decision.
In our company, the dialogue with the customer is very important. If any work delivered is subject to demonstrable errors, we are available either to review the work at our expense or to refund the agreed amount.
The documents we receive are treated as sensitive data, i.e. with the utmost confidentiality. Every translator, despite his or her skills, must take special note of this before starting the job.