Language Classes
Italtraduzion organizes Italian, English, French and African language courses

Italian courses for foreigners
Our Italian courses are for foreigners, tourists and students coming to Italy. The available levels are A1/A2 and B1. The following activities are available: lessons, assignments and praticing
For foreigners residing in Italy our courses are useful for the daily use of the language and preparation for the Italian language exam to obtain the residence card and Italian citizenship. The activities are: lessons, solving tasks and conversation, etc..
For foreign students we offer Italian lessons according to their level. The activities are frontal lessons, conversation, entertainment. Sometimes it can be useful to plan guided tours of the city. For tourists we organize trips to various cities.
Are French courses up to B2 and English up to B1
African Language Courses
Our agency offers courses in Swahili, Lingala, Yoruba, Pidgin, Wolof, Yoruba, Pidgin.
Swahili is the official language of the countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). Around 180 million users. It is one of the languages of the African Union. "Hakuna matata" = It's all right.
Lingala: National language of the DRC and the Republic of Congo. There are about 25 million users
Pidgin: This is a colloquial English used in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone. Over 200 million Users
Our Fares
30 euro/h. Special discounts are offer base on the duration of the course and the level requested
Fom 1 to 10 H: 30 euro/H
Da 11 a 20 ore: 28 euro/ora
From 21 to 30H: 26 euro/H
From 31 to 40H: 25 euro/H
If you need mor hours let us know
Further discounts can be made according to income or a major number of hours.
We are not a Certification Centre but we can help you to enroll at such centres.
The cost will be charged to the student